
Oliver Yaphe - Featured Online Shop

Happy Wednesday everyone. Have you a little moment to admire these blissful interior products I'm sharing today? They're from a fabulous online shop I'd like to tell you more about. Welcome to:

Toronto-based Oliver Yaphe is all about contemporary design, careful craftsmanship and evoking emotion. Anything you see in their carefully curated shop is there because they love it. It may sound like a simple strategy, but it says a lot.  You'll see when you browse the shop.

Among all the beautiful design objects for interior spaces, you'll also find Oliver Yaphe's very own collection of handmade rugs. I quite fancy that orange and grey one featured above. 

Currently, Oliver Yaphe ships to Canada and the US, but if you live elsewhere, feel free to get in touch for more information.

I hope you enjoyed this week's featured online shop.

Xx. Holly. 

Images courtesy of Oliver Yaphe.


  1. Very stylish stuff and well curated. Yet another chair I'm longing for x

    I fancy that rolling pin, not to use but as an object to display or hang jewellery from. Really beautiful.

    Love the Stelton Jug. I've got it in Yellow:)
    Another nice shop Holly!!

    Hope you're feeling better xx

  2. Tina, what a great idea for the rolling pin! Yeah those Stelton jugs are quite a hit :) Glad you like the shop, and thanks for stopping by Xx.

  3. Truly loovely picks my dear!

  4. Great rug Holly. My colours too. Shame it's just the US and Canada.

    Thanks. Gx
