
Yangyang Pan - Art for Interiors

Happy Friday everyone! Today I'd like to share the beautiful artwork of Yangyang Pan. I'm always alert to discovering art that affects me and that I would welcome in my home, much like I am always on the lookout for great online shops that sell fab homeware and furniture. After all, what would our interior spaces be without furniture, accessories or art? 

I love Yangyang's paintings because of the brush strokes, the colours, the texture. Her paintings are very expressive - they just draw me right in. They make me feel happy and energetic. How about you?

Yangyang received her Bachelor and Master of Fine Art from the Sichuan Fine Art Institute, China's oldest art academy. In 2006, she moved to Canada (yay Canada!) - where she still currently resides. This wonderful artist is busy with exhibits and also sells prints of her original works in her Etsy shop called Siiso

You can follow and find out more about Yangyang Pan on her Facebook page.

Have a great weekend!
Xx. Holly.

* Images courtesy of Yangyang Pan 


  1. Hey dear hard working lady! :)

    Happy Friday to you, too! Very nice use of color and shapes in an abstract manner.

    I truly love the the first one and can't help but picturing it in a loft where white, tons of natural light and overall simplicity prevails.

    Canadians certainly have a way with the arts ;)

    Wishing you a lovely weekend ahead, xoxo

  2. Anonymous20.7.12

    AWESOME!!!!!!! I love Yangyang since now, for ever:D perfect for me:)

  3. I must say I like some of them, although no great fan of abstract art. They are rather lush and I'm also fond of those brush strokes.

    Very nice find lovely xx

  4. I love her work, especially the third one from the top. I've actually seen this painting somewhere, but didn't know the name of the artist. So, thank you. I agree, each painting draws you in, and I love all the texture and color.
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend, Holly!

  5. The first one is my favorite too Iro!

    Glad you all like Yangyang's art :)

    Thanks for your comments Xx.

  6. Oh wow. Just gorgeous-particularly the first one Holly! We'd love to get some original artwork in the house. Wonderful find! :-) x

  7. hi HOlly...am trying to catch up with all the work you've done...woo-wee, lady. so, this post stood out as i absolutely LOVE art in a home. essential, right? the 4th and 6th grab my attention most. must be the squares. lovely.
