
Steven Spazuk - art for interiors

I'm generally interested in art, but for the purpose of my blog, I like to look for art I can imagine in an interior home setting. Well, the other day, I found some and of course, I'm here to share.

These are some of my favourites by French Canadian artist, Steven Spazuk. Since I'm from Montreal, I feel a extra connection to his work. The special thing about these paintings are that they are made with soot. He uses a flame to scorch especially thick paper. The spontaneous designs that appear are what inspire the final product. I love this initial unplanned aspect that defines his work. He also incorporates colour, but my favourites are the black and white ones. There's a certain softness about the soot that gives the pieces a very unique feel. I really love it.

If you are curious for more information about Spazuk and his work, watch this video:

I would gladly have one of his works in my home. Does this type of art "soot" your aesthetic preferences?  Sorry, couldn't help it ;)

Xx. Holly.

*images courtesy of Steven Spazuk.


  1. What a beautiful effect. I'm especially drawn toward the first and fourth pieces. I just spent the last hour looking at artists' work online at the galleries in San Antonio, so we must be on the same wavelength today. I'll have to check out the video too. Thanks for sharing this great work, Holly! It "soots" my taste. :)

  2. Hi Danie. You know what they say about great minds, right? ;) His work is pretty cool, glad you like!


  3. Hi Holly,

    I like the abstract designs. They let the imagination run free.


  4. Hiya,

    Not sure what I think of this. it is certainly unique and very interesting. I'm just not drawn to it and that's what art is meant to do, right.

    Could it be the colourless images? Dare I say it.... The Soot?

    I'm certainly fascinated by it, just not sure I could live with it on my walls.

    Great find.... xx

  5. Love it also love the new design on your blog! Have a nice day! hx

  6. Hi Chris! I like abstract art too. I also like novel and interesting techniques. Glad you liked it :)

    Hiya Tina :) We all respond differently to art. Isn't that interesting? I was so captivated by it, I had his portfolio open all day, lol. I inquired about prices and was pleasantly surprised that his pieces are very reasonably priced. I think I would definitely buy a piece. Can't wait to know where we will be living next so I can choose appropriately :) Enjoy the Hive and Berlin!!!

    Hi Hege! Glad you like the art and my new blog design. Always tweaking it here and there. Thanks for your comment, have a great day :)

  7. definitely fills the bill for me...love it! xx
