
Moodboard Monday - Stability. Comfort. Ease.

Moodboard by HvH Interiors - image links: stairs, lamp, chaise, fireplace.

Welcome Monday. 

How was your weekend? Mine was spent between Berlin and Frankfurt, visiting with friends and family, enjoying the summer like weather. 

Now a new week begins, I have lots of work to do, lots of blog reading to catch up on. Time to buckle down and tackle the to-do list. That's what is leading my Monday mood. But I don't want to feel hectic about it. I want to feel a stability though it all, a flowing comfort that results in ease. I will keep looking at this mood board to remind me of that.

Stability. Comfort. Ease.

How's your mood?

Xx. Holly.


  1. Adorable! I once did a blog post on wood and leather and still strongly love that combination. It is very, very soothing, calming and natural.

  2. i needed this right now. those 3 words stability, comfort, ease. my sister is having a baby as i type and so my mood is anticipation, impatience, fatigue. nice to see you back, holly.

  3. Hi Holly. There is a lovely sense of tranquility in your latest mood board that is working for me. The 'Il Canto del Fuoco' fireplace is beautiful. A must have feature in my one-day dream home. I hope you have a good week xx

  4. Thanks for your comments :)

    Hi Igor! Wood, leather, metal, glass, concrete - It seems I just can't live without these things. I agree that the wood/leather combination is soothing. Xx.

    Hi Christine! So nice to hear that this board was useful to you in some way. As I type, you have probably already become an Auntie! So, CONGRATS. Vey exciting stuff, now you can relax and be happy. Xx.

    Hey Gerard! Isn't the fireplace great? I like that you feel the tranquility - I think when things are stable and comfortable and easy, we feel tranquil in our minds. Xx.

  5. Yes to stability, ease and comfort. Such wonderful and needed aspects in life. I welcome them.

    The simple fireplace painted(?) grey brings out warmth together with all aspects mentioned. The wood next to it is so "spontaneous" and comforting.

    I currently seem to find ease, comfort and a sense of stability away from the Internet, which these days since I posted yesterday comes as a contradiction.

    The once happiness in sharing seems to be replaced with a need for deeply rooted values, quiet contentment and stability which at the moment is rather foreign to me as to how it can be combined with an open on line presence.

    There's lot to figure out...

    Wishing you all these well wished aspects to be part of your every day life too my dear.

    Sending love & hugs,
    Iro, xo

  6. You had me at black and wood. ;) I'm especially liking the three words you selected - Stability, comfort, and ease. I read a great quote in the book I'm reading right now, The Fire Starter Sessions, that you might like. "What would your life be like if you did only what was easy?" Not short cut or cheap easy, but natural easy. The kind of ease you get from being open and letting things flow. (I think you would really like this book, Holly.)

  7. Stability, comfort, and ease are always things to strive for. I'm feeling the same way, except in a beachy kind of way. So glad you were able to spend time with friends and family! I finally get to see mine this coming weekend. :) It's definitely beginning to feel like summer around here, too!

  8. Hi Iro! You are so sweet :) Thank you for your comments and positive words. Enjoy your current state. Good thing will surely come from it Xx.

    Theresa! I think I have to read this book. I keep hearing about it, everyone loves it. Putting it on my wish list ;) ps. Black and wood *swoon*

    Hi Danie! Thanks for stopping by. The beach is calling my name too ... enjoy the rest of your week and have so much fun with your family this weekend Xx.
