
Life in Spiral - Inspiring Spaces

I recently posted about the Life in Spiral house by Hideaki Takayangi on HomeDSGN.  And I just can't seem to get it out of my head. So I thought I'd share some images of it here today. It's been a while since I featured a home anyway, and this one makes me feel so calm and happy. 

I would always choose a long flat house versus a tall one. Two stories is actually perfect for me, that way I could at least have a staircase (you all know how much I love stairs, right?). But even still, I appreciate the way the narrowness of the site (not uncommon for Tokyo) influenced and shaped the design of this house. Even squeezed in there, it feels grand! I'm also not a huge fan of vertical blinds, but somehow, in this case, the lines created by the blinds look delicate. When fully open and pulled back, they blend into the window frames. 

Concrete, glass, white, wood, minimalist and bright - if that's your thing, then we are both smiling right now. Yes?

Happy weekend!
Xx. Holly. 

• photos by Takumi Ota


  1. This house is just the way I like white and spacious and I'm loving the bathroom sink! X

  2. Love Love Love. Really stunning. The last image shows it in it's entire glory.

    PLEASE NOTE I'm not even mentioning the lack of colour as the architectural features are so satisfying. The staircase is to die for and the full length windows....yum. I agree with you on the blinds too.

    Very nice Mrs Grey. Where's Mr Grey? he will LOVE this!!!
    Happy weekend xx

  3. just coming to express how much I love this house!
    Both you and Tina are completely covering my points. Have we also mentioned the super stylish and fresh green sofa with the wooden legs btw? It fits just so perfectly in there!

    More love! :) xx

  4. It really is such a great house! Glad you think so, too. Thanks for stopping by here :)

  5. This space is calm and serene. It always seems as though everything has its place, which I like. The way they upholstered the dining chairs is very nice, bringing in a little happy color. I want that office very much!

  6. That bedroom! I love the minimalism, even though I'm not usually drawn to spaces that are very stark. I love the open views of this home.

  7. Emmanuelle Mary4.11.12

    Any idea where I could find thé chair ?
    Heeelp me :)

  8. Hi Emmanuelle Mary! Thanks for stopping by here. The chairs in the office are the Eames DSW chairs ... as for the ones in the dining room ... I'm not a hundred percent sure... any of my design savvy buddies out there know?

    If I ever find out, I'll post back here :)
