
Keep Me Cool - Moodboard Monday

When the heat is on, when pressure builds, we should remember to stay cool. To me, cool means being collected, alert and pleasant. It means having a clear mind and a healthy body so that you can make good decisions. Would you agree?

On a similar note, this weekend has been so ridiculously hot. I feel my apartment has become an oven. And going outside doesn't provide too much relief since there's not much of a breeze. I wish there was a lake nearby so we could go swimming. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to bear the heat until it gets cooler.

This mood board inspires me to keep cool ... in all senses of the word :)

Happy Monday folks!
Xx. Holly. 

mood board image links:  ocean picture  |  Octo pendant  |  pillow  |  Eames Dsw chair  |  plate of flowers


  1. BEYOND LOVE - I love a nice maritime mood board. And that Eames chair is one of my all-time favorites!!!

  2. Love your moodboard! Feel the same way -
    it's far too hot! hx

  3. Oh, I already feel cooler looking at your moodboard!! Great choices. I would kill for a bit of sea now:)

    One good thing about having a Vespa is the lovely breeze you get when speeding down the road. Alternatively I sit in my car which has a very cold A/C... crazy no??

    Hope things cool down.
    Lovely post xx

  4. We are having crazy hot weather here, as well. So your moodboard today is absolutely perfect. I love it! Our home is old and, so, doesn't have air conditioning. We must rely on the ocean breezes...And, thank goodness we have some right now. Here's hoping you and I both get a reprieve from this hot weather soon.

  5. So many favorites nicely gathered together!

    To begin with eternal love for water, the ocean, the sea, to white home accessories rich in texture, pretty daisies and THAT chair... all are warmly (just teasing you!) accepted in order to keep me cool, too.

    There'll be a refreshing little storm tonight weather forecasts predict...

    I wish you had more free time to come over. There are so many lakes to reach out from here, together with a fresh breeze, which I'm sending right now your way. Open the window...

    Thank you for this virtual dive in this a magnificent color!

    xoxoxo Iro :)

  6. Thanks for your comments folks!

    Iro and Igor, why am I not surprised at all that you like this ocean inspired board? ;)

    Tina, I have some friends here with cars who did the exact same thing! lol. They found relief from the heat in their air-conditioned cars! Boy how I wished I had one this weekend :)

    Thankfully, we have normal temperatures here again and it's a gorgeous day today. Hoping the same for all of you.

    Thanks for stopping by Xx.
