I like things to be tidy and organized. I'm not a clean freak, but I'm a bit of a neat freak. For me, a clutter-free life, where (almost) everything has a place, is a happy life. Gosh, I can hear my mother as if she's speaking through me right now, lol!
Anyways, you can imagine how happy I was scrolling through the Raumplus catalogue. Raumplus manufactures sliding partitions to be used as doors and room dividers or as part of a closet/storage/cupboard solution for the home or the office. From walk in closets, space dividers, kitchen cupboards, office storage to fitted storage under a slanted ceiling ... they provide modern and expressive solutions that are custom made for the space. I like their style and their ideas. Here, have a look with me and let the images take you away to a place were (almost) everything has a place ...
Is organization important for you? Are you messy or tidy? Or are you a perfectly and healthily balanced individual?
bis bald,
Xx. Holly
*images courtesy of Raumplus
Hi Holly,
ReplyDeletethanks for sharing this. Love the sliding doors. I'm afraid I'm messy.. I can't even blame the lack of space, however I'm trying to re-organise things by putting up shelves etc.. ;) I keep leaving things in piles.. Good at finding things though! ;) have a nice day! hx
Hi Hege!
DeleteI'm pretty good at making piles too, lol! But they never last too long ;)
Thanks for stopping by Xx.
so true...love this post, holly. have a good one. xx
ReplyDeletethanks :)
I am organized, but generally a little messy. It may not be neat and tidy, but I know where everything is... and don't you dare put it away because if you do, I won't be able to find it!
Hi Chris!
DeleteYes, a highly organized mess is a phenomenon that fascinates me! Lol. I used to be this way as a teenager - my room was always such a disaster, but I never looked for things. But now, I look for things. I don't know if it's because I have my own space and more stuff, or my aging brain is responsible... i don't know. But when there's clutter and mess around, I'm not happy.
Have a great day!
Cool inspirations - love the wooden solutions in particular! I am a rather organised, tidy kind of person. Sometimes I'd love to be a bit more the 'creative chaos' type of guy, but I can't help my nature...
ReplyDeleteI get it Igor :) Just the other day, I tried to make the pile of magazines on my coffee table look more casual by arranging them sort of haphazardly ... by the evening, they were back in a straight neat pile, one on top of the other, lol!
hehe I wish I could say "perfectly and healthily balanced" ;) Actually it depends. At home I sometiems like that it looks like someone lives here. But at a hotel/spa I want clean lines, no mess!
ReplyDeleteHi M.! I wish I could say I was balanced too ;) But I'm afraid I'm a bit neurotic about things laying out of place. That said, things do get messy around my house, but usually doesn't last more than a few days because I start to feel uncomfortable about it pretty fast.
DeleteI agree with you about hotels and spas :)
Hi Holly. Great post. I am OCD about things looking just so. And I believe there's a way of touching something, but not really touching it ;-) Everything has it's place... I just don't do haphazard. And I know when something's been touched or moved even a little bit. I'm also a clean freak... has to be clean! I think I've mastered it in such a way that my styling looks natural, as if something was meant to be there. Behind the scenes, I will have planned it that way!
ReplyDeleteThat said, I don't make people feel uncomfortable at my place. The only thing I ask is that they remove their shoes before coming in.
Thanks for the comment Gerard. I think you and I would make good roommates ;)
Holly, these interiors make me feel so relaxed. My husband and I are on our way to having most things in their place, and it's like a giant weight lifted of our shoulders. I can't wait to see how we'll be in even one year from now! I used to like tons of stuff all over the place (in third grade, I put stickers ALL OVER the place [like my dresser] and put posters up everywhere also). Thankfully, I'm not such a huge mess anymore.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your new layout, by the way! I don't know quite when you changed it, but I love the clean white background, and I like how your twitter and Facebook buttons are always visible when I scroll. Yay for great changes!
I'm so glad I got a "relaxed" here. I feel exactly that when I look at these images, I just didn't realize it was that feeling until you said it!
DeleteAlso glad you like my new-ish blog look ... I think I will keep changing it from time to time ... until I can get some professional help with it ;)
Thanks for stopping by here Danie!
Oh dear, what's my stand on this? Well, ideally I would like to be tidy and have everything in its place. That, however, is impossible most of the time.
ReplyDeleteBetween blogging, taking photographs, sketching, painting, working, cooking every day and generally collecting and creating 'stuff' I'm forever chasing after myself and having to tidy. It's actually sometimes getting on top of me because I LOVE a clean and tidy space.
Yes, you onliners have it much easier. Your whole world is in a computer, mostly a laptop.. I actually also thrive on my 'creative chaos'. There's something quite 'vibrant' about it and it can give me energy.
To conclude my split opinions here, depending on my mood, I would prefer everything neat and tidy but need the 'chaos' to CREATE. Makes sense? Well, I suppose it does to me. Split personality? Maybe:)
Hi Tina!
DeleteI don't think you have split personality ... I think you need a designated studio space to let your messes properly develop and inspire :)
Thanks for stopping by Xx.
I am definitely, 100% a neat freak. (I blame it on my chaotic childhood.) I like everything to have a place and so I put things away almost immediately. I also like to purge and throw things out when they don't have a place. My husband likes to tease me when we're missing things in the house, he will say that I probably threw it away. (Shh, that's not far from the truth. ;) That said, I agree with Gerard in that I don't make people feel uncomfortable when they visit. I keep my OCD in check. (ha-ha!)
ReplyDeleteSo, it should come as no surprise that I find the interiors you feature above absolutely beautiful.
Hi Theresa! It's so nice to know there are many fellow neat freaks out there :) My environment really affects my mindset and if things are out of place and piling up, my brain gets cluttered and I can't function properly, you know?
DeleteBut it's true what you and Gerard say - when people are over, all that sort of melts away because the desire for people to be happy in my space is greater than the need for order.
That said, people do react to they environment. So if they're in a neat space, they'll probably be more likely to want to put their glass in the sink before they leave than if they're in a messier space. Neatness promotes good manners :) Lol!
Thanks for stopping by Xx.
I'm a clean freak but, sadly, not a neat freak. This post was inspiring. I need to do something with my cluttered office, this weekend. Thanks for the push ;)
ReplyDeleteLove the sliding doors! Thanks for taking the time to post this.
ReplyDeleteHello there Holly!
ReplyDeletefirst of all, I love the new look of your blog! Wonderfully done :)
As for living clutter free and with order, yes I do support that and trying my best to act accordingly. It requires a lot of effort, which is though rewarding and after some time, it hopefully becomes more easy.
From the images shared, some of the first are compatible with my taste & though a little too masculine perhaps, I do so love the first office picture!
Altogether, some of the images carry in my eyes a kind of rigid, catalog look feeling somehow imposing & a little uninspired (dare I say and may their photographer/ stylist not be offended!)...
I know these are images from catalogs of course. I just miss the human factor. You know me... how all these wonderful things actually work in reality ;)
I guess a combination of closed storage and open shelves would be more preferred. Also some curves to break all these lines!
Speaking of that, the fourth before the last picture is just super perfect + I'm adoring the wooden table.
Nice to have stopped by. Sending warm hugs.
Iro, xo
Hi Iro! Thanks for stopping by here and leaving your usual lovely comments, always full of thought :)
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean about the catalogue vibe, but as you mentioned, the images are from a catalogue. And you can feel that. But I hope that people get inspired by such images and not think they have to copy what they see.
Actually, when I chose image #4 from the top, I thought of you instantly :)