
Inspire. Work. Blue. - Moodboard Monday

image links: desk photo, art, pendant light, chair, bag, switch.

Hello Monday. There you are again, as usual. The weather is nice here so that makes me happy. I have been quite productive today, so that makes me happy too. 

I guess my mood today is happy then.

This mood board offers a little office space inspiration to encourage work, productivity and creation. I was really draw to blue somehow, so I threw in a few 'light' blue details . What do you think?

How is your mood today?

Xx. Holly.


  1. Something blue ... seems to be the topic of this week ... just put some blue flowers on my desk. They looked so nice and so I couldn't resist. Even if I'm not such a big follower of blue, usually.
    Have a happy week, my dear!

    Lysann x

    PS. Love the new look very much.

  2. Dear Holly,
    thank you so much for your nice words!!! I´m so glad about it!
    Have you a new blog Layout?
    It looks great!!!!!

  3. It's lovely. Nice chair. Love the blue details.
    A bit grey as it's raining again... ;(

  4. Hi Lysann. Blue flowers! That's fun :) I am also not a big fan of blue usually, but somehow I just felt it today, ha! Thanks for your comment, have a lovely week as well Xx.

    Hallo Yvonne. Yes, quite a recent change :) Thanks for the compliment. Have a great day! And congrats again on your book!!! Xx.

    Hi Hege. I love that chair too! Did you know it is called Gentle? What a nice name, don't you think? Wishing you sunshine soon! Xx.

  5. Hello Holly,

    fresh and clean! I really like the mood displayed here :)

    I'm feeling tired. So I guess I'll wish you a nice start to the new week and a nice evening, before logging of.

    xx, Iro

    P.S: that chair is somehow so awesomely brilliant!

  6. Hi. Nice mood board.

    Like the bag... a creatives bag... lots of pockets!!
    Happy you feel happy. x

  7. Hi Iro! Glad you liked the mood board :) The Gentle chair is quite fab, isn't it? Hope you are feeling rested today Xx.

    Hi Tina, yes lots of pockets. you can configure the bag the way you want, it's pretty cool :) Thanks for stopping by Xx.

  8. We are experiencing some nice weather here, as well. It certainly helps with the mood. I could use a little more productivity. ;) That always seems to help with the mood. Happy to read you're doing well.

  9. Thanks Theresa! Let's enjoy the nice weather. I think I will work from my balcony a bit today :)
