
Some News - This and That

photo by Richard Powers

Hello lovely readers. No Moodboard Monday today ... just an inspiring image I'm smitten with at the moment... and some news!

We are moving back to Berlin!

My husband is finished with his studies here in Frankfurt and we decided it's time to go back, since we both love that city so much.  If all goes as planned, we will be moving at the end of September! That doesn't give us a lot of time to pack up here and find a place, but the excitement outweighs the stress somewhat ;)

That said, I just wanted you all to know that I will be a little less active around the blogosphere during the next month or so. I will miss my regular time online, but I will be here and on your blogs and tweeting as much as I can.

As for this week, I am lining up a post or two about the day I spent at the Tendance show on Friday. I am very excited to share all the cool stuff I saw with you. And I also got to meet the lovely bloggers from Taste Sheriff and 23qm Stil at the show! It's so nice to meet fellow bloggers in real life.

Wishing you all a happy Monday!
Xx. Holly.


  1. So exciting, Holly!!! Oh my, we will finally meet one day in Berlin I guess!!! Can't wait to see your Tendance coverage as well. Clara and Ricarda are really lovely, right? Have a fab Monday!

  2. Hi Igor!! It would be fabulous to meet in Berlin, wouldn't it?! And in Munich too one day :) Clara and Ricarda are soooo nice!! I am so happy I got to meet them.

    Thank you for your comment and your excitement Xx.

  3. How exciting, Holly! :) hx

  4. Liebe Holly, es war so schön Dich zu treffen! und ich hoffe sehr es war nicht das letzte Mal! Ganz liebe Grüße Ricarda

  5. Your move back to Berlin sounds super exciting, Holly! I was meant to visit earlier this year for the first time but sadly I fell ill. I look forward to your blogs from the city once you are all settled! :)

  6. Holly, you know how happy this makes me.... your soul is in Berlin!!!

    No doubt that's where we'll finally meet:)

    Happy you met the lovely Clara and Ricarda....
    Look forward to the Tendence review.


  7. Thanks for your kind words people! You make me feel so lucky :)

    Tina, I believe you may be right ;)

    Ricarda, it was so lovely to meet you, and I am sure it won't be the last time ;)

    Ok ... before I type another smiley face, I better sign off. lol. I can't help it, you guys just make me smile!

  8. How exciting! This is going to be wonderful and I can only imagine what creativity and exciting experiences it will create!
    Have a wonderful week and good luck!
    PS - What a lovely image. That light is stunning, and the simplicity of the materials and color palette make for a wonderful shot! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Yay yay yay! And hurray! I'm so happy for you Holly! Welcome back and let's meet up when you're here, ok?

  10. I know this move brings you much happiness, so it's great to hear. Don't you just love when the excitement outweighs the stress? Take your time and do what you need to do to get sorted in September. Looking forward to dispatches from Berlin!

  11. there is no place like home...wishing you all the best. xx

  12. I'm a big Berlin fan Holly. That's fantastic for you both. Have fun getting ready for the move :-) x

  13. YAY, Holly!!! So glad you get to move back to the place you love. :) I can't wait to see what's to come. Good luck with the move!
